Warnford, West Meon & Woodlands Garden & Countryside Club
2020 Summer Show
Due to the Covid Pandemic, it was obviously impossible to hold our normal annual Summer Show.
Undaunted by that, however, our Committee decided to launch a Virtual Summer Show. Over six weeks – from 3 July to 8 August - instead of taking their exhibits to the Village Hall, over thirty competitors took photos of their entries and submitted them for publication here. Entrants, and others, then voted for their favourites and award winners and all entries were posted on the website for all to admire.
With 10 classes to choose from (Cookery, Crafts, Flowers, Flower Arranging, Fruit & Veg, Fun (3 age groups) Garden Greats and Photographic Art), each with a different theme every week, there was a wide variety on offer and participants showed a range of skills and much enthusiasm.
Well done to everyone who took part, not just adults but children, too! Aged from 5 to 16, encouraged by parents and/or grandparents, they demonstrated great flair and imagination: Archie, Eddie, Emily & Isabel Power, Charlie & Rosie Kettle, Max Englefield-Brown, Rufus Russell-Scheh and Lottie Horn. All who took part in the Fun Sections specifically aimed at children excelled in their particular age groups and some also entered “adult” classes and won awards there as well. So congratulations are certainly due to the younger generation. Seniors (too numerous to mention here individually), i.e. all those aged over 16, including quite a few in their eighties and one in her nineties also acquitted themselves extremely well. The organisers never ceased to be amazed at the exceptional talent displayed.
So a round of applause for all who contributed!
To see the winners please click on the appropriate tab for each week.
1st Class: Charlie Kettle
2nd Class: Rosie Kettle
An Origami figure
1st Class: Clare Swinstead
2nd Class: Yvonne Noble
Sweet pea/s or A rose/roses
1st Class: Stephen Short
2nd Class: Emma Barry
3rd Class: Peter Short
Highly Commended: Bob Miles
1st Class: Yvonne Noble
2nd Class: Carol Rowlatt and Jo Horn
3rd Class: Bob Miles
FRUIT & VEG Culinary herbs
1st Class: Yvonne Noble
2nd Class: Emma Barry
3rd Class: Bob Miles
Highly Commended:
Edwin Grimshaw
Playful pet
1st Class:
Anna Couldridge
A flowering shrub
1st Class: Peter Short
2nd Class: Edwin Grimshaw
3rd Class: Carol Rowlatt
A photograph of a gate or a style
1st Class: Sarah Kettle
2nd Class: Emma Barry
3rd Class: Louise Clay
Highly Commended:
Edwin Grimshaw